
This documentation is powered by the Dispute component based on the pj DataProvider and the pj DataProvider Framework respectively.


The Enquette consists basically of one or more pairs of question item and evaluation control, eventually organized in more layers. It either lets the visitor to choose his votes or it displays results statistics together with distribution graphics.

The Enquette can be implemented either as a component (menu) or as a part of Joomla content (article). An important feature is the export in the Office Open XML format (e. g. MS Excel) enabling further processing with external tools.

Administrate Enquette:

  1. Have a look at the Enquette Anatomy
  2. Purchase and Install Enquette package
  3. Create Enquette Menu, Create Enquette Module or Append Enquette to an Article
  4. Set up Enquette
  5. Optionally, Invite selected respondents
  6. Download / upload Enquette
  7. Work up results with Excel

On the Enquette Setup page, at the Tab Enquette, you can download or upload the Enquette content. This enables to port the Enquette to other page or site, to work Enquette results up with Excel or other applications or to prepare the survey on a local machine and upload it - ready to use - to the production site.

There are two possible file formats used for the Enquette porting: the pure XML format containing just data necessary, and the Excel XML format (Office Open XML) enabling desktop results inspection and further processing as well as modifications and uploading.

See Download Enquette for details on downloading and / or Upload Enquette on uploading the Enquette. See Excel Enquette for more details on Excel Enquette representation. See Set up Enquette Local for modifying Enquette local and uploading to the site.

The Tab Enquette at the Enquette Setup page offers two file formats and three options for downloading the Enquette. If an actual version of the desired download file already exists, it is offered by a download link. Otherwise, the Button Create creates the file. After a newer Visitor input or an Enquette setup  change, all download files are discarded and have to be recreated.

File format
  • XML is the lightweight format containing just data necessary
  • Excel XML format (Office Open XML) is fairly larger and enables desktop results inspection and further processing. See Excel Enquette for details.
File options
  • No votes: The Enquette structure only is output. No voting and Visitors information is included. This is a suitable option if you want to run the same Enquette on various sites.
  • Anonymized votes: contains the Enquette structure and votes, but Visitors names and email addresses are anonymized and no TCP/IP data is included. This is a suitable option if you want to give the data on for further usage - it contains full results information, but no personal data.
  • Full information: The Enquette structure, votes, Visitors and their TCP/IP is output. This is a suitable option if you want to analyze voting results and Visitors behavior.


(See Enquette Layers for further explanation)

tab_id Unique Layer ID
tab_order Layer order number (zero based)
tab_header_id Optional Enquette Header reference to TabTexts worksheet
tab_footer_id Optional Enquette Footer reference to TabTexts worksheet
name Layer Title in admin's language
question (Multiple Criteria) Question column header in admin's language
tabType Layer Type: 0 for Registration, 1 for Enquette.
voluntary Voting: 0 for Mandatory, 1 for Voluntary.
singleCrit Criteria: 0 for Multiple, 1 for Single.
ordered Ordering: 0 for Random, 1 for By Order.
name:xx-yy Language versions of the Layer Name
question:xx-yy (Multiple Criteria) Language versions of the Question column header


ttext_id Unique Text ID
text The content in admin's language
text:xx-yy Language versions of the Text


(See Layer Questions for further explanation)

item_id Unique Item ID
tab_id Reference to Layers worksheet
schema_id On Single Criterion Layers, reference to MarkSchemata worksheet
item_order Item order number (zero based)
text Item Text in admin's language

Required: 0 for Separator, 1 for Arbitrary, 2 for Mandatory.

etype On Single Criterion Layers, Evaluation Control type. See Criteria worksheet for explanation.
text:xx-yy Language versions of the Question
condition Question Condition


crit_id Unique Criterion ID
tab_id Reference to Layers worksheet
schema_id Reference to Schemata worksheet
crit_order Criterion order number (zero based)
name Criterion Name in admin's language

Evaluation Control type:

  • 0: Dropdown
  • 1: Checkbox
  • 2: Multiselect Dropdown
  • 3: Text field
  • 4: Text Area
  • 5: Radio Buttons
  • 6: Numeric
  • 7: Date
name:xx-yy Language versions of the Criterion Name


(See Evaluation Schemata for further explanation)

schema_id Unique Schema ID
name Schema Name in admin's language
module_id In this context, the field distinguishes just between a global Schema (empty) and an Enquette specific one (origin Enquette ID).
name:xx-yy Language versions of the Schema Name
options Schema options in json notation, like {"width":"40px","min":1,"max":100}


mval_id Unique MarkValue ID
schema_id Reference to Schemata worksheet
mval_mark Numeric SchemaValue value
name MarkValue Name in admin's language
mval_name:xx-yy Language versions of the MarkValue Name


(See Manage Visitors for further explanation)

visitor_id Unique Visitor ID
user_id Joomla! unique User ID, empty for unregistered Visitors. If uploaded to the origin site, the Visitor is looked for by this value. Otherwise, it will be emptied so that imported Visitors are not registered..
visitor_name Visitor name
visitor_email Visitor mail
visitor_language Visitor Language
approved unused in current version


tcpip_id Unique TCPIP ID
visitor_id Reference to Visitors worksheet
tcpip_tcpip The Tcp/Ip address the Visitor was connected from
tcpip_last_access Last Visitor's Submit date / time from this address (not necessarily to this or any other Enquette)


mark_id Unique Mark ID
item_id Reference to Items worksheet
crit_id Reference to Criteria worksheet. On Single Criteria Layer, this is 0.
visitor_id Reference to Visitors worksheet
created Date / Time the Vote was last time submitted
mark_intval Vote integer or Date value
mark_stringval Vote textual value
value For schematiued votes, this is the verbal equivalend to mark_stringval


id Unique Resource ID
uri Resource relative URL. When uploaded, images will be copied to the same relative folder as on the origin site.
content Base64 coded file content