

The Dispute maintains a tree of information knots, consisting basically of a title and of an intrinsic textual html information. Optionally, the display supplements a knot statistics - the creation time, the author and the count of subsequent knots - as well as a set of function buttons.

The rich layout options enable a versatile usage. Originally, the Dispute was intended as a discussion platform. Then, it was adapted for documentation purposes (like this one) and as an application help system. And it suits well as a dynamic knowledge base system.

How to administrate:

  1. Purchase Dispute Package
  2. Install Dispute package
  3. Create Dispute Menu, Create Dispute Module or Add Dispute to an Article
  4. Manage Disputes
  5. Setup Dispute
  6. Inject the Dispute Hotspots Module
  7. Download / Upload Dispute

How to use:

  1. Item control elements
  2. Post your Response

Visitor is a concept parallel to Joomla! User. It keeps track on portal visitors which have responded to any Joomla! Extension based on this concept. Registered users are identified as Visitor by their User data. Unregistered users are asked to identify by name and mail address first time they respond and their subsequent responses are linked to this record.

Select display options


Select visitors to display.

  • This Dispute Authors displays Visitors they have posted in this Dispute
  • All Disputes' Authors displays all visitors they have posted in any Dispute
  • All displays all Visitors. As the Visitors table can be used by other components, Visitors referenced there will be displayed, too.
Delete Visitors not referenced anywhere may be selected for deletion.

Visitors Legend

ID Visitor's unique ID
Visitor Visitor name. If this is a registered user, the name is passed from the Joomla user. Otherwise, this is the name entered as identification.
Mail Visitor mail. If this is a registered user, the mail is passed from the Joomla user. Otherwise, this is the unverified email entered as identification.
User If this is a registered user, the link opens him for editing.
Language The site language the visitor used last time when active.
Postings Depending on Show, count of Postings the visitor has submitted to this Dispute or to all Disputes respectively.
Last Access Last time the visitor was active. It may mean his last Posting to any Dispute or his last activity in another component.
IP IP Addresses the visitor was active from.