This package implements the pj DataProvider Framework library under Joomla! CMS. Refer there for detailed description of InfoBase, SearchKey, IDataProvider and MySqlDataProvider.

This documentation is powered by the Dispute component based on the pj DataProvider for Joomla! and pj DataProvider Framework respectively.


pj DataProvider Framework package (lib_pj) is an alternative database concept beside of Joomla's JDatabase framework.

The developer designs new classes extending the InfoBase class and registers them at start-up in the singleton DataProviderBase instance. It is not necessary to add any code to bare class declarations, although it is convenient to outsource specific functionality there.

The framework offers full database access for registered InfoBase classes, including retrieving by ID or by queries passed either as string or as SearchKey structure. It recognizes changes of instance data and inserts, updates and deletes instances together with corresponding table rows, optionally in nested transactions. It ensures that at any time, there exists just one unique instance of InfoBase extending class corresponding to one database table row.

The developer has to write an extension of the DataProviderBase class and outsource his/her business layer functions there.

PJVisitorInfo is a simple concept of site visitors evidence.

It is parallel to Joomla JUser concept, as it concerns virtually all visitors regardless whether they are registered.

It consists of two InfoBase extension classes, PJVisitorInfo and PJVisitorTcpipInfo, and of a set of PJVisitorInfo functions.

The key feature is the DataProviderBase::CurrentVisitor() function which identifies the current visitor by registered user, cookie, mail address or creates new PJVisitorInfo instance if the identification failed.

Each time the extension calls for DataProviderBase::UpdatePJVisitorInfo($visitor), $visitor is stored along with his language, TCP/IP and current time.

See PJVisitorInfo APIs for details on PJVisitorInfo, PJVisitorTcpipInfo and DataProviderBase related functions.