

The Dispute maintains a tree of information knots, consisting basically of a title and of an intrinsic textual html information. Optionally, the display supplements a knot statistics - the creation time, the author and the count of subsequent knots - as well as a set of function buttons.

The rich layout options enable a versatile usage. Originally, the Dispute was intended as a discussion platform. Then, it was adapted for documentation purposes (like this one) and as an application help system. And it suits well as a dynamic knowledge base system.

How to administrate:

  1. Purchase Dispute Package
  2. Install Dispute package
  3. Create Dispute Menu, Create Dispute Module or Add Dispute to an Article
  4. Manage Disputes
  5. Setup Dispute
  6. Inject the Dispute Hotspots Module
  7. Download / Upload Dispute

How to use:

  1. Item control elements
  2. Post your Response

Item Buttons

Each node, Dispute or Posting, can be individually referenced by its key (marked red in the screenshot). It's a link, yet it isn't intended for clicking, as it would navigate back to the item itself, it's rather intended as Copy link location help tool.

The key consists of key letters "dsp" for Dispute or "pst" for Posting and of a numeric item ID. In the item text body, you can use the key as a reference token in the format {ref [key][ID]} (in curly brackets), let say {ref dsp2559} to reference the Dispute in the screenshot. The token will be translated to node's Title and linked to the node itself. This is how references in this documentation work.

You can navigate the browser to any node individually, appending a query to the site's URL in the format ?[key]=[ID]. Let say, http://myserver.com/index.php/mypage?dsp=2559#dsp2559 is a direct link to the Dispute in the screenshot. The part beginning with # is optional and sets the browser scrolling directly to the node.

Or, even, Copy link location and save it or send the link to your friends.